Michelle’s Commitment to Strong Community in Vermont Media

Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun and Quinn Houston: Passing H.829 is critical to securing the resources for comprehensive housing solutions

April 2024

“There are misconceptions surrounding H.829’s impact on working Vermonters.” Read article here.

Vt. Students Testify in Support of State Mushroom

March 2024

“Elementary and middle school students in Windham County spent time this year learning about edible fungi and the Democratic process.” Read article here.

2024 Town Meeting Report

March 2024

“…in the Spring of 2024, (4 years later- can it be?), workforce shortages in many sectors continue, federal money is mostly gone, housing is a huge problem for both low- and middle-income Vermonters and the tragedy of homelessness is increasing. As we move through this legislative session, we are exploring every lever available to address this unprecedented moment in history and create a Vermont that works for everyone.” Read article here.

117 Lawmakers Decry Recent Acts of Homophobia in Vermont

February 2024

“Monday’s joint statement came several weeks after two high-profile acts of homophobia rocked Vermont communities: vandalism at an Isle La Motte farm displaying a pride flag and a bomb threat against a drag story hour in White River Junction.” Read article here.

The Time Has Come For Overdose Prevention Centers

January 2024

“Our state needs to take new steps to support survival and recovery for individuals who struggle with substance use disorder.” Read article here.

Legislative Priorities Extend Beyond the State Mushroom

January 2024

“In the 2024 session I am introducing five new bills:” Read article here.

Setting the Record Straight on Independent Schools

January 2024

“Independent schools survive only when they deliver high quality education, for the simple fact that families can exercise a choice of where to send their children.” Read article here.

It’s time for a Vermont State Mushroom

December 2024

“Do we have more important issues to decide this legislative session? Yes. But it is important to remind Vermonters of the treasures we have in our woods.” Read article here.

Keeping Spore

December 2024

“The state mushroom bill sends a message that we value what kids think. It can empower youth voice and encourage people to spend time in nature.” Read article here.

Must Have Humane Transition For Motel Program

May 2023

“We’re hoping to raise public awareness of the impending crisis and encourage all Vermonters to work with us to change the course of events.”  Read article here.

Public Funds Should Support Education Broadly

April 2023

“As a parent and a teacher, I know that one size does not fit all when it comes to our children and the educational and social environments that help them thrive.” Read article here.

Alexander Twilight Portrait Will Be An Inspiration

May 2022

VT Digger

“Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, D-Westminster, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, said the bill grew out of a class she taught at the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont Global Issues and Youth Action program last summer in which students learned how the legislative process works.” Read article here.

Bill Would Create Anti-Racism Standards in Vermont Schools

May 2022

Rutland Herald

“Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, D-Westminster, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, said the bill grew out of a class she taught at the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont Global Issues and Youth Action program last summer in which students learned how the legislative process works.” Read article here.

Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun: Celebrating a new year with 100 people from Afghanistan

March 2022

VT Digger

“I came to Vermont, put down roots and found a new home, just like our new Afghan neighbors now have the opportunity to do.” Read article here.

Protesters Call for Better Portage at Bellows Falls Dam

July 2021

“Saturday’s event began with the arrival of paddlers on the Connecticut River in kayaks and canoes at the Pine Street Boat Launch in North Walpole, N.H. One of the paddlers was Vermont House Representative Michelle Bos-Lun from Windham 4 District.” Read article here.

Celebrating the return of Amtrak’s The Vermonter!

July 2021

Check it out here!

Bos-Lun & Mrowicki: State Should Approve Westminster School Divorce

May 2021

VT Digger

This commentary is by State Reps. Michelle Bos-Lun, D-Westminster and Mike Mrowicki, D-Putney.

“Voters have voted, and in a democracy those votes are supposed to be counted and heeded.” Read article here.

Bos-Lun's policies will protect environment, let people thrive


Brattleboro Reformer

“Reliance on fossil fuels is not sustainable, both because of diminishing oil resources and the damaging results to our environment from burning fossil fuels. We should expand our existing solar capacity while developing new energy options. Alternatives need to be affordable to enable Vermonters to help our state transition to long term sustainable energy alternatives.”

Letter: Don't neglect the 'other side' of criminal justice

Posted Sunday, March 15, 2020, The Reformer

“Many of the people who utilize our programs [at the Brattleboro Community Justice Center] were victims of adverse childhood experiences. Many of them developed addictions that contributed to criminal behavior. The majority of the individuals I work with were victims long before they broke any laws. There are many answers to the question: Why people commit crimes." Read full article here

Truth and Consequences

11/22/ 2017, The Commons

Michelle with a Tibetian nun who had been imprisoned in 2009

Michelle with a Tibetian nun who had been imprisoned in 2009

“I have shared life stories of women from Tibet and given talks on human-rights issues which do not portray China’s role in Tibet in a positive light. The Chinese government has decided I am no longer welcome in China.”

Excerpt Continued: “I intended to limit both self-expression and advocacy on behalf of others in ways I have not had to do since I lived there as a college student in the mid-’80s. I was prepared to live as a visitor in a country where stating the “wrong” opinion, engaging in debate, or even having a picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama could get you deported or imprisoned (depending on your nationality).

I intended to avoid causing trouble for myself and others by avoiding sensitive issues to get a visa, and to keep my opinions to myself as long as I would be living there.

Did I feel good about my silence? No. Did I think it was necessary in order to live in China? Yes.”

Read the full article

A love that crosses countries and cultures

2/13/19, The Commons

A group of young Kurdish Iraqis who came to Windham County in an exchange program get a visit from their group leader — their ‘American mom’

“I arrived during the Kurdish elections and a political presence was everywhere. As we drove through the city, I found Erbil covered in colorful flags of the different parties: yellow, blue, green, and orange. Giant plastic banners from people running for political office covered the medians in the road and hung overhead.”

Read the full story

Michelle has done summer work with the state department sponsored  Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program. In 2018 she visited students and interns from the program and visited a camp for internally displaced people from Mosul.

Letter: A nod to the extraordinary generosity of our community

Posted Wednesday, April 29, 2020, The Reformer

“These times are difficult for many of us. For people who have recently left prison, many of whom are living with mental health conditions, and often are away from family members, the transition back into communities is even harder. The hours I spend working to support my clients are largely possible (and much more effective) because of our generous community. Thank you to all who have pulled together to support one another in so many ways.” Read the full letter here


Bos-Lun Interviews with Olga Peters on 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage

Bos-Lun, Goldman attend Emerging Candidates Forum

07/23/2020, Social Media Release

Watch the recording of the Emerging Candidates Forum with Michelle and Leslie Goldman at the button below!