The 2024 legislative session is expected to adjourn on May 10th. Below, read about Representative Bos-Lun's focus and our community's priorities in 2024.
About Michelle
Years of experience as a teacher, program director and restorative justice practitioner have given her the opportunity to learn about a range of issues impacting Vermonters and connecting Vermonters to others.
Michelle is passionate about youth and families, justice reform, and protecting our earth. A resident of Westminster, Michelle Bos-Lun has been actively engaged in the community for nearly two decades and was elected November 2020 to the Vermont House of Representatives representing Westminster, Dummerston, and Putney.
Following redistricting, Michelle serves the Windham 3 District (Westminster, Rockingham, Brookline).
Rep. Bos-Lun offers monthly community updates during the legislative session, January - May 2024. These are held third Saturday of each month at the Rockingham Free Public Library. Senators Harrison & Hashim and Representative Goldman also attend.
decades of community experience, representing Windham County in the vermont statehouse
Committed to community-focused representation, Michelle has been meeting with the heads of various government offices and agencies, with leaders of non-profits and small businesses, and talking with citizens who are passionate about issues ranging from substance abuse support programs to COVID recovery, schooling and preserving the Arts. Vermont’s tradition is one of town halls and vibrant democracy; Michelle is committed to upholding that as a Representative. Please reach out if you would like to be part of the conversation.
Want to get involved in the future?
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